CTSCo - West Wandoan 1 Exploration Well


Scope of Work

West Wandoan 1 was the first exploration well to be drilled in CTSCo’s Greenhouse Gas Exploration Permit EPQ7, which fell under the jurisdiction of the Greenhouse Gas Storage Act (2009). The permit interests EPQ7 are CTSCo Pty Ltd 100%. CTSCo is a 100% owned subsidiary of Xstrata Coal Pty Ltd. 

The West Wandoan 1 well is in the Surat Basin, a Jurassic sequence that is around 1260m thick and overlies part of the Triassic age Bowen Basin. The Surat Basin is a sub-basin of the Australian Great Artesian Basin (GAB) and contains fluvial, lacustrine, and marginal marine sediments, and coal- bearing successions. 

Key project objectives included:  

  • Obtaining high quality data and water samples from the coring, logging, and testing program. 
  • Benchmarking the aquifer water quality in the Hutton Sandstone and Precipice Sandstone.  
  • Obtaining high quality data and water samples from the coring, logging, and testing program. 

GRPS were engaged to supply drilling management services relating to all drilling, coring and testing activities and includes but is not limited to: 

  • Developing Project Plans 
    • Well Design 
    • Project Schedule 
    • Cost Estimating/ Forecasting (AFE) 
  • Well Planning Design 
    • Risk Assessments 
    • Drilling and Testing Program 
    • Authority for Expenditure (AFE) 
    • Change Management Process 
    • Data Storage and Management Plan 
    • Site Survey and Civil Works 
    • Vendor selection and tender process for the rig and all services  
    • Identify reporting processes 
  • Procurement 
    • Long lead items to meet program schedule 
  • Safety 
    • Safety Management Plan (SMP) 
    • Risk Assessment as required (HAZID’s/RA) 
    • Emergency Response Plan 
    • Bridging Document 
  • Environmental 
    • Environmental Management  Plan (EMP) 
    • Regulatory Approvals and Submissions 


GRPS were able to effectively achieve the project outcomes through combining the implementation of lessons learnt from previous Australian based CO2 geosequestration projects, and detailed understanding of the local site. 




West Wandoan, Queensland