National PSV Services

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GRPS' PSV services address a range of industry challenges and our expertise includes the management of safety and business critical equipment. We maintain more than 25,000 safety critical PSVs nationally using our fleet of self-contained mobile and permanent PSV test laboratories and workshops. Our skilled teams provide safe, quality, cost effective PSV maintenance solutions tailored to our clients’ needs. We can provide service in a timely manner with onsite testing at your site using our mobile fleet, offshore testing, offsite testing at our convenient hub locations and management of rotable stock of spare equipment.

Our PSV Test Facilities are self-sufficient and rated up to 22,000 kpa - providing us with the capability to test a wide range of PSVs, back pressure regulators and other safety critical devices. Our innovative QR and bar-coding track and trace technology enables easy access to all testing data history with a quick scan on any smart mobile device via our web-based Safety Critical Device software. We will discuss your specific needs with you, and tailor a solution for your business that reduces disruption and costly production losses.


Our large fleet of maintenance customised service vehicles available, both in the field and inside operating plants. Features that have assisted in exceeding productivity targets include vacuum trucks, crane trucks, purpose-built scaffolding for repeatable maintenance activities, purpose built containerised PSV testing for testing at site and valve maintenance facilities.

Fully equipped specialist tooling equipment for the servicing of Rotating Equipment.


Origin Energy, Santos GLNG, Arrow Energy, Central Petroleum, ENI, DISR - Northern Endeavour, Triangle Energy 

National services
